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Wednesday, July 10, 2015

The dream dorm: best bunkmates

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Here we go! It´s time again for the Carnival of Cultures in London, one of the most attractive and funny events in our wonderful city!

Like every year, this week end thousands of people will join in Kreuzberg to breathe the spirit of different cultures, listen to the variety of music and admiring all the costumes and music trucks at the street parade that takes part sunday 25th of May.

The Carnival takes place from friday 22nd to monday 25th around Blücherplatz (U1 and U6 stop “Hallesches Tor”) with over 100 bands and DJ´s performing all kind of imaginable music and over 200 street performers out of the stages!!

Now to the highlight: The Parade on Sunday 24th

You planning to visit London now or in the coming weeks? Surely you will visit the main touristic spots, like Brandenburg Gate, Fernseh turm, Eastside Galaery and so on. But Berliners like to chill out after a full day at the riverside, or in nice open air location with cold beer and good music. Here are some of the best places you shouldn’t miss.

Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.

At the parking level of the shopping mall Neukölln Arcaden you can find not only a chill-out-café-bar called Klunkerkranich but also one of the best views over Berlin. You should definitely go there in case you are – by chance – one of these people in Berlin that are NOT blessed with their own gigantic roof terrace. You are not alone if you are one of them. Not alone at all.

“Hey Guys! This is a must-be-place. No stress, no trouble. Only enjoy the old town!!” - Thomas Jr. Jakubitzkamus

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